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Genauer Hinsehen: Sicherheitslage Afghanistan (Lageberichte + Einzelmeldungen) bis 2019
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Thank you for installing Xaraya!

Welcome to your new Xaraya Site

About the Xaraya Classic theme

This theme is called Xaraya_Classic and comes installed by default with every Xaraya distribution package. It is 100% table-free, totally CSS driven and provides a pleasant way to explore Xaraya. It also uses examples with commented source demonstrating Xaraya's templating power and flexibility.

We advise you to keep this theme unmodified in your Xaraya theme directory where it will be used for future upgrades of your Xaraya site.

You have successfully installed Xaraya Version 1.5.5! You now have the tools to easily build custom design and functionality into your web site. This installation provides some out of the box functionality to get you started.

The advantage of Xaraya is in it's flexibility and powerful Blocklayout theme system. These work together enabling you to meet the most demanding of project specifications. Whether your requirements are small business or a community site, a company intranet or multi-server web installation, you can feel confident knowing that Xaraya not only provides the flexibility you need but key features of performance, stability, security, and ease of maintenance.

Getting started

In Xaraya, User and Group Roles and Privileges set by the site Administrator dictate what a user can and cannot see or do on the site. If you are new to Xaraya and are used to a separate Admin area you may prefer a separate look to your Administration area rather than the default Admin Menu. Start by logging into your site as Administrator and turning on the Admin Dashboard in your Themes Module Modify Config option.


Explore Xaraya by starting with the modules in your Admin Menu and reading the Overviews. Some of the core modules such as Base, Themes, Blocks, and Roles are good places to start. For example, the Base module is set as the default module in this installation, and provides the site frontpage. You can change this 'default' module in, coincidentally, the Base module.

You can activate and install additional non-core modules in your Modules Administration to explore further.

You can add a new block of content anywhere on your page by defining a new block instance in the Blocks module and assigning to a default blockgroup. You can explore Blocklayout for even further control of layout in your theme.

Which template do I edit?

When working on a theme you should edit override theme templates not internal system templates. Turn on Show template filenames in HTML comments in the Themes Modify Config page. This allows you to see which template is providing output by simply looking at the page source. Once you have identified a template, create an override template in your theme. Learn how you can override templates with an Articles module example.

A glimpse into Xaraya's Theme System

A feature of Xaraya is it's powerful Blocklayout Theme System providing you with the flexibility you need for complete control of your theme design.

This particular page is an example of content written in an override template and located in (themes/themename/modules/base/user-main.xt). The template overrides the original that is located in the base module. This means its content is determined by the active theme in a Xaraya installation and not by the internal template which is part of the standard code and templates of Xaraya. This template also contains some simple blocklayout as an example.

Of course, this is a tiny peek into Xaraya's templates and just the tip of the iceberg. When you decide to use Xaraya, you'll get to know the templating system in far more detail, but a good start is to have a look at the contents of the file mentioned above.

Getting Help

We invite you to become further involved in our community by joining our development or user discussions at, via mailing lists or IRC. You can contribute easily to making Xaraya an even better product by filing any unexpected functionality in our bug tracker. Thank you for your support. For more information on Xaraya, please visit Xaraya's website.

Vortragsangebot zu Riga-Deportationen, Ghetto Riga + Dt. Riga-Komitee

Ende 1941/Anfang 1942 rollten Deportationszüge aus Deutschland und Österreich nach Riga.

1989 stieß ich auf die Spuren der verschleppten jüdischen Frauen, Männer und Kinder.

Mit meinem bebilderten Vortrag "Nachbarn von nebenan - verschollen in Riga" stehe ich gern für Erinnerungsveranstaltungen und Schulen zur Verfügung. (Anlage)

Vorstellung der "Toolbox Krisenmanagement"

Von der zivilen Krisenprävention bis zum Peacebuilding: Die 53-seitige Broschüre stellt kompakt und klar auf jeweils einer Themenseite Prinzipien, Akteure und Instrumente des Krisenmanagements vor. Bei einem Kolloquium im Bundestag in Berlin wurde die Schrift einem Fachpublikum vorgestellt. Erstellt von AutorInnen des Zentrums Internationale Friedenseinsätze ZIF und der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik SWP ist die "Toolbox" ein wichtiger Beitrag zur friedens- und sicherheitspolitischen Grundbildung auf einem Politikfeld, wo die Analphabetenrate in der Gesellschaft, aber auch in Medien und Politik sehr hoch ist. ...

Auf dem Foto überreicht W. Nachtwei den AutorInnen seine 2008 erschienene Broschüre zur Zivilen Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung.

Mehr zur Rolle zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure bei der zivilen Konfliktbearbeitung u.a.:
