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Genauer Hinsehen: Sicherheitslage Afghanistan (Lageberichte + Einzelmeldungen) bis 2019
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Taliban Vormarsch zur Machtergreifung! Meldungen + Hintergrund zum Schnellstabzug der NATO-Truppen + zur Unsicherheitslage in Afghanistan, vor allem im Norden (22.6.-6.7.2021)

Veröffentlicht von: Nachtwei am 3. Juli 2021 16:27:04 +01:00 (53506 Aufrufe)

Nach fast 20 Jahren verließen die NATO-Truppen, darunter deutsche, Afghanistan. Hier Meldungen zur rasant sich verschärfenden Lage: Im Nordosten, jetzt sogar in Badakhshan, Takhar fallen Distrikte so schnell wie nie. Die Region Nord, halb so groß wie die Bundesrepublik, Haupteinsatzgebiet der Bundeswehr, etliche Jahre die relativ stabilste Region, könnte binnen Wochen oder Monaten fallen und in den Kollaps von ganz Afghanistan münden. Vor Monaten titelte ich "Afghanistan auf der Klippe im Nebel" Jetzt stürzt das Land offenkundig ab - und "internationale Verantwortung", Worst-Case-Verhütung scheinen kein Thama zu sein. Sommerpause. Wenn die afghanischen Kinder mit ihren Eltern endgültig in den Brunnen gefallen sind, kann sich die Staaten"gemeinschaft" ja an die Aufarbeitung dieses sicherheits- und friedenspolitischen Super-GAU`s machen.  

Taliban Vormarsch zur Machtergreifung?!

Meldungen + Hintergrund zum Schnellstabzug der NATO-Truppen +

zur Unsicherheitslage in Afghanistan, vor allem im Norden (22.6.-6.7.2021)

Winfried Nachtwei

Vorbemerkung: Die Informationsquellen zur Lage in Afghanistan werden spärlicher, der Propagandaanteil nimmt zu. Die folgende Zusammenstellung kann deshalb nur grobe Einblicke in die Lageentwicklung geben. Ich empfinde sie als extrem alarmierend!

BBC NEWS 06.07., „Afghanistan: Soldiers flee to Tajikistan after Taliban clashes. More than 1,000 Afghan soldiers have fled to neighbouring Tajikistan after clashing with Taliban militants, officials have said. The troops retreated over the border to "save their own lives", according to a statement by Tajikistan's border guard. (…)The retreat is the third time Afghan soldiers have fled to Tajikistan over the past three days and the fifth case over the past fortnight. In total, nearly 1,600 soldiers have crossed the border. (…) Badakhshan and Takhar provinces, which border Tajikistan, have seen a rapid Taliban advance.

"The Taliban cut off all the roads and these people had nowhere to go but to cross the border," one senior Afghan official told Reuters on Monday.

Zabihullah Atiq, a parliamentarian from Badakhshan, said the troops had used various routes to flee. Tajik border guards said Afghan soldiers were being provided with shelter and food, but further details were not available.

„Army morale sinks as violence spreads“, by Kawoon Khamoosh, BBC News

With the new surge in violence across the country, Afghan forces are facing an unprecedented level of combat in the absence of foreign troops.

Government officials have been tweeting non-stop to keep soldiers motivated by underlying their sacrifices. But much of the troops' motivation disappears amid news of retreat, collapse of key districts and casualties. (..) .

TN 05.07., Afghanistan at risk of collapse as Taliban storms the north, By Bill Roggio |  Afghanistan is at risk of complete collapse after the Taliban has made dramatic gains in recent days, striking at the heart of the Afghan government’s base of power in the north while seizing control of large areas of the country – often unopposed by government forces.

The security situation has deteriorated rapidly. In the lax six days alone, the Taliban has taken control of 38 of Afghanistan’s 407 districts – nearly 10 percent of the country – and most all of them in critical areas.

In all, the Taliban currently controls 195 districts and contests another 129 districts, according to the real time assessments by FDD’s Long War Journal.

Prior to the Taliban’s offensive, which began in earnest on May 1 – upon expiration of the date that the U.S. government originally committed to completing its withdrawal under the Doha Agreement – the Taliban controlled just 73 districts and contested another 210.

Put simply: The Afghan government controls only a little more than 20 percent of the country at the moment.

Afghan Districts

As of May 1, 2021

As of July 5, 2021

Taliban Controlled






Gov’t Controlled



Data compiled by FDD’s Long War Journal

Much of the Taliban gains have occurred in the north. The importance of the Taliban’s northern thrust cannot be understated. The Taliban is taking the fight directly to the home of Afghanistan’s elite power brokers and government officials.

If the Taliban can deny Afghanistan’s government and its backers their base of power, Afghanistan is effectively lost. The government could not possibly keep its tenuous footholds in the south, east, west, and even in central Afghanistan if the north is lost. If the Afghan government loses the north, the Taliban could take the population centers in the south, east, and west without a fight, and begin its siege of Kabul.

The Taliban has been especially active in Badakhshan province, which prior to Al Qaeda’s Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the U.S. served as the headquarters to the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance. Over the past week, the Taliban has seized control of 26 of Badakhshan’s 28 districts (the Taliban currently controls 26 districts, two were previously Taliban-controlled). Only Faizabad, which is also home to the provincial capital, and Kuran Wa Munjan are contested, according to TOLONews. (…)

The situation in Takhar is equally dire. The Taliban control 14 of the 17 districts there. The remaining three, including Taloqun, which hosts the provincial capital, are contested. The Taliban has effectively surrounded Taloqan City and is launching raids into the city.

The complete loss of Badakhshan and Takhar would a major blow to Ahmad Massoud, the son of Ahmad Shah Massoud, also known as the “Lion of Panjshir” who stood up to the Taliban and was assassinated by Al Qaeda just two days prior to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Panjshir was one of two provinces fully controlled by the Northern Alliance, and Badakhshan was the lifeline to the Massoud and his followers. With Badakhshan under Taliban control, the jihadi group will be free to assault Panjshir. (…) If the Afghan government does not get a handle on the security situation and finds a way to regain control of the north, its tenure may well be measured in weeks or months.

05.07., 11 Distrikte fielen in den letzten 24 Stunden an die Taliban, davon sieben in Badakhshan, zwei in Kandahar, je einer in Helmand und Parwan. Allein in Badakhshan fielen in den letzten Tagen 24 Distrikte an die Taliban. In der Provinz Takhar zwischen Badakhshan und Kunduz sei kein Distrikt mehr unter Kontrolle der Regierung, nur noch die Provinzstadt Taloqan.

TN 04.07., Neun Distrikte fielen in den letzten 24 Stunden an die Taliban, davon sechs in Badakhshan, einer in Takhar, in Kandahar und Paktia.

TOLOnews 03.07., 13 Distrikte fielen in den letzten24 Stunden an die Taliban, davon 11 im Nordosten (neun in Badakhshan und zwei in Takhar), einer im Süden und einer im Osten.

Das ist die höchste Zahl von Distrikten, die innerhalb 24 Stunden an Aufständische fielen.

Some residents of Faizabad city, the center of Badakhshan province, said that clashes between security forces and the Taliban have reached closer to the city, leaving the people with concerns about their safety.

“This is the 10th district that collapses one after another. The local government and the central government have forgotten them and are not paying attention to them,” said Saed Hayatullah, a resident of Faizabad.

“What we should do is to mobilize the elders of the ‘resistance region’ and create history for the second time by the second generation of the resistance,” said Nilofar Ibrahimi, an MP from Badakhshan.

“They are faced with lack of logistics. The Air Force cannot address all areas. This is concerning,” said Sayed Muqaddam Amin, a former military officer.

Meanwhile, sources from Takhar said that with the fall of Kalafgan and Farkhar districts, only Taluqan city and Worsaj districts have remained under government control in the province.

“We have 16 administrative units. All collapsed one after another. The security situation in Taluqan is sensitive,” said Abdul Kabir, a resident of Taluqan. (…)

TN 03.07., Medienaktivitäten in einigen von den Taliban gehaltenen Gebieten eingeschränkt. A watchdog on Saturday said that some local media outlets have stopped their activities after the Taliban imposed restrictions on them in areas under their control.

NAI, an organization supporting open media in Afghanistan, said that some local radio stations in a number of districts that have fallen to the Taliban have now changed to a “propaganda source” for the group.

“They change local radio as tools for their propaganda,” said Mujib Khalwatgar, the CEO of NAI.  

“All media outlets in Kunduz will stop their activities if the situation prevails for another one month,” said Hedayatullah Ziarmal, head of Uranus TV network in Kunduz.

“Some of our colleagues have left the city. More people are expected to leave. This inflicts major damage to Afghan media,” said Zabihullah Mujadadadi, head of Kunduz media center.

TN 03.07., Afghanische Religionsgelehrte erklären den laufenden Krieg für illegitim. A group of religious scholars representing the Afghanistan Ulema Council at a meeting on Saturday called the ongoing war illegitimate, asking the warring parties to immediately end the violence that has brought destruction and damage to the country.

The two sides of the war should expedite their efforts for peace, the acting head of the council, Mawlawi Sardar Zadran, said at the event, emphasizing the importance of religious scholars’ support to the security and defense forces.

“The ulema council calls for an urgent end to violence by the warring parties because the ongoing war is, by all means, illegitimate,” he said.

Zadran said that Afghan religious scholars are making efforts to help the peace process but the process needs cooperation from the warring parties. (…)

Meanwhile, a video released by the Taliban shows Amir Khan Mutaqi, a member of Taliban leadership, shows him sitting among some residents of Kijran district in Daikundi province where he says that ending the decades of war is the main goal for the Taliban.

“We want a solution to the problem that exists for the last 43 years. We want the country freed from occupation, and a central, Islamic and Afghan-inclusive system is established. We are here with this goal,” Mutaqi said.

This comes amidst an unprecedented increase in violence in Afghanistan. Sources have said that 13 districts have fallen to the Taliban in the last 24 hours.

TN 03.07., Pentagon billigt eine neue Kommandostruktur in Afghanistan:

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has approved a new command structure in Afghanistan that includes the transition of US military mission from warfighting to two new objectives: protecting a continuing US diplomatic presence in Kabul and maintaining liaison with the Afghan military, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said on Friday.

The plan calls for the top US and NATO forces commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Scott Miller, to transfer his combat authorities to the head of US Central Command, Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie.

The Associated Press reports that a two-star Navy admiral will head a US Embassy-based military office, dubbed US Forces Afghanistan-Forward, to oversee the new mission of providing security for the embassy and its diplomats.

A satellite military office based in Qatar and headed by a US one-star general will be established to administer US financial support for the Afghan military and police, plus maintenance support provided for Afghan aircraft from outside Afghanistan, AP report says.

“A safe, orderly drawdown enables us to maintain an ongoing diplomatic presence, support the Afghan people and the government, and prevent Afghanistan from once again becoming a safe haven for terrorists that threatens our homeland,” Kirby said on Friday.

TN 02.07., Daesh Building Up Forces in Northern Afghanistan: Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday said that Daesh militants are building up their forces in northern Afghanistan as US and NATO troops are leaving the country, calling it a worry for Moscow.

Quoted in a report by Reuters, Lavrov said Daesh was actively gaining territory in Afghanistan amid the withdrawal and what he described as the “irresponsible” stance taken by officials in Kabul.

“It is also important to pay attention to Afghanistan, where ISIS (Islamic State) is actively concentrating its forces. And they do it using the unforgivably prolonged process of preparing real peace negotiations. And those in the ruling structures of Afghanistan who are trying in every possible way to delay this process even more, of course, should think about the consequences of these actions for their homeland,” Lavrov said as quoted by Reuters.

TN 02.07., 23 Killed in Taliban Attacks in Badakhshan, Baghlan: Sources

Bei Talibanangriffen auf Außenosten in Außenbezirken von Feyzabad, der Hauotstadt der Provinz Badakhshan im äußersten Nordosten sollen 20 Sicherheitskräfte und Mitglieder der pulic uprising forces getötet worden ein. Bis Oktober 2012 befand sich in Feyzabad ein deutsch geführtes Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).

TN 02.07., „US Forces Leave Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan“ , Größter US-Stützpunkt an ANDSF übergeben

After nearly two decades, the US military has left the Bagram Airfield in central Afghanistan and has handed it over to Afghan National Defense and Security Forces, sources from the Ministry of Defense confirmed.

At its peak, the airfield, located 69 kilometers north of Kabul in the central province of Parwan, saw more than 100,000 US troops pass through its compound.

The handover of the airfield to Afghan forces shows that last of the roughly 2,500 to 3,500 US troops have left Afghanistan.

Ahead of leaving the base, dozens of trailer trucks loaded with scrap from destroyed vehicles and equipment that belonged to American troops were leaving the Bagram Airfield on a daily basis.

Those who purchase the material say that so far, the scrap has been worth millions of dollars.

Some residents of Bagram said that such equipment should have been handed over to Afghan forces instead of being scrapped by the US military. But US forces have said the equipment will be scrapped so it does not fall into enemy hands.

The Afghan government has said that equipment worth $1 billion will be handed over to the Afghan forces.

Bagram Airfield has been the biggest airbase of the US military in Afghanistan over the last 20 years.

02.07., Afghanistan Analysts Network: Kate Clark / Obaid Ali, A Quarter of Afghanistan’s Districts Fall to the Taleban amid Calls for a ‘Second Resistance`

In the last few weeks, the Taleban have captured scores of district centres across Afghanistan. In this report, we look at the general reasons for the success of the Taleban onslaught, before focusing on the north, which has seen a collapse of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) of unprecedented speed and scale. The fall of districts there comes as the old Northern Alliance leaders have been speaking of the need to mobilise a ‘second resistance’. When the Taleban were in power in Kabul in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the north was where they faced their main battles. So targeting the north now looks like a pre-emptive strike to prevent a northern opposition from organising, argue Kate Clark and Obaid Ali, who trace which districts have fallen, the reasons for their fall and what may already be obsolete plans to defend Afghanistan’s north. (…)

That the Taleban would launch widespread attacks while, or immediately, after US forces left was to be expected, but the scale and speed of the ANSF collapse was not. As the map above shows, the loss is already considerable: over a quarter of Afghanistan’s district centres have been captured by the Taleban in recent weeks, adding to those they already controlled.[1] This is, of course, a snap-shot. We have aimed for at least double-sourcing to confirm whether a district centre has been captured by the Taleban or not, and also whether it has been re-captured by the ANSF. As of 29 June, we calculated that the Taleban had captured 127 district centres, 10 of which the government had re-taken. Often, however, especially if a district centre has changed hands several times, the picture can initially be murky. Nevertheless, we have tried to be as accurate and up-to-date as possible. (…)

Kunduz Province: 7 out of 10 districts recently captured by the Taleban; two already held

Aliabad district was captured by the Taleban on 13 June, recaptured by the ANSF with the deployment of commandos, but then fell back into Taleban hands. Local sources said that currently the Aliabad district governor’s office and district police compound are held by the ANSF, while the bazaar and other parts of the town remain with the Taleban.

The Taleban captured Khanabad district on 14 June. The ANSF, with the support of Popular Uprising Forces, counter-attacked and the Taleban withdrew from the district centre on 15 June. On 16 June, they conducted a fresh assault and pushed government forces out. On 21 June, the ANSF, with air support, attacked the Taleban and re-captured the district centre. On 22 June, it again fell out the Taleban. A local farmer from Khanabad described to AAN the costs of this war: “This is our harvest season. Fighting in these weeks means our produce is set on fire. I ask the government to stop conducting counteroffensives against the Taleban in Khanabad. I’m saying this because the government is unable to maintain its presence and power.” AAN also heard that a group of elders had also contacted local government officials and asked them to avoid conducting military operations against Taleban, at least during the harvest.

The district centres of Dasht-e Archi and Qala-ye Zal were captured by the Taleban on 21 June, with government forces leaving without offering resistance. “I heard the Taleban were planning to attack the ANSF in the district centre in the late afternoon,” a provincial development council member in Dasht-e Archi told AAN. “I wanted to get my family out of the district centre to a village; then I heard they’d just left and there would be no fighting.” So the ANSF from Dasht-e Archi left to neighbouring Khawja Ghar district of Takhar province, where the security forces still had a presence (although it was also to be lost).

Locals told AAN that government forces in Emam Saheb had put up strong resistance and there were several days of intense fighting before it also fell on 21 June. The following day, the border town and dry port of Shir Khan Bandar in the Emam Saheb district on the Tajikistan border was also captured by the Taleban. Two local journalists from Kunduz city said the Taleban had asked employees to return to work, but no one had turned up because they were afraid.

On 22 June, ANSF withdrew from Chardara district to Kunduz city. Kulbad and Gur Tepa, two newly-formed districts, were already under the Taleban control. Another new district, Aqtash, fell to the Taleban on 22 June: government officials reportedly fled to Kunduz city.

Local people in Kunduz told AAN that the Taleban have been searching for ALP, members of Uprising Forces and former mujahedin commanders in the districts now under their control. One man described the Taleban calling a public gathering in a mosque and demanding that people hand over their weapons and help identify those who have arms in their homes. This is a repeat of what the Taleban did when they captured Kunduz city in 2015.

Only the provincial centre, Kunduz city, remains in government hands and there has been ongoing fighting around it. On 20 June, the Taleban overran security check posts in Charkhab, an area seen as the city’s eastern gate. In addition, there are intense, ongoing clashes between the Taleban and security forces in police districts 2, 3 and 6 in the north and east of the city. Because of the intense fighting, electricity has been cut and the city is without power and drinking water.

The seven recently-captured districts in Kunduz had all changed hands between ANSF and the Taleban many times and were vulnerable to Taleban capture. But the collapse of all within days of each other appears to have been triggered by low morale within the ANSF. Quite reasonably, personnel feared the Taleban would capture Kunduz city and they would be stuck in their bases without hope of supplies or reinforcements. Most of the roads connecting Kunduz city to its districts are under Taleban control, as are the highways to Baghlan to the south and Takhar to the east.

Takhar province: 13 out of 17 districts captured by the Taleban

The particular dangers of war in the north (…)

The period when the Taleban were last pitted against the Northern Alliance was notable for grave war crimes, often perpetrated against civilians singled out for their ethnicity, and as collective punishments, ‘revenge’ for earlier abuses. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, as the Taleban sought to conquer northern Afghanistan, if they captured an area, only to lose and again capture it, they typically carried out collective punishments against the civilians living there. The civilians targeted would be of the same ethnicity as the Northern Alliance faction which the Taleban were fighting. The Taleban carried out massacres, burned homes and crops, and carried out forced marriages, all in an attempt to deter resistance. There were also cases of summary execution, sometimes en masse, of detained Northern Alliance fighters who, being hors de combat, are protected persons under the Laws of War. The sites of some of these war crimes are among the districts newly captured by the Taleban. (…)

TN 01.07., Die meisten europäischen Truppen haben leise Afghanistan verlassen (AP):

Deutschland und Italien erklärten am Mittwoch, 30. Juni, ihre Mission in Afghanistan für beendet, Polens letzte Truppen kehrten zurück.

Announcements from several countries analyzed by the AP show that a majority of European troops has now left with little ceremony — a stark contrast to the dramatic and public show of force and unity when NATO allies lined up to back the US invasion to rid the country of al-Qaida after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. (…)

In the ensuing decades, the war went from one mission to another. Former US President George W. Bush’s administration shied away from nation-building and the United Nations advocated a light footprint. But with the passing years, NATO and US troops took on greater roles developing Afghanistan’s National Security and Defense Forces and training police. At the war’s peak, the US and NATO military numbers surpassed 150,000.

NATO agreed in April to withdraw its roughly 7,000 non-American forces from Afghanistan to match Biden’s decision to pull all American troops from the country, starting May 1.

The US has refused to give troop figures, but when Biden announced the final pullout, between 2,500 and 3,500 troops were deployed. As of February, a total of some 832,000 American troops had served in Afghanistan, while about 25,100 Defense Department civilians had also served there. (…)

TN 01.07., Juni 2021, der tödlichste Monat in zwei Jahrzehnten!  - The majority of casualties were reported in Baghlan, Faryab, Badakhshan, Ghazni, Takhar, Balkh, Ghor, Herat, Farah, Kunduz, Badghis and Sar-e-Pul provinces. Afghan authorities claim that the Afghan National Security and Defense Forces (ANDSF) have killed over 6,000 Taliban fighters in approximately one month, and the Taliban has said that the group has also inflicted major casualties on government forces.

During this period the government also evacuated 120 districts following offensives by the Taliban.

In the latest development, the Taliban has captured the center of Tagab district in the northern province of Kapisa.

Numbers gathered by TOLOnews show that 638 military personnel and civilians were also killed in Taliban attacks during this period and 1,060 others were wounded.

“The main reason for the collapse of the districts is poor leadership at the leadership level of the security and defense forces,” said MP Khan Agha Rezayee.

Based on the figures, although the number of targeted attacks and explosions decreased during this period, the level of casualties among the security personnel and civilians continued to rise.

The majority of casualties were reported in Baghlan, Faryab, Badakhshan, Ghazni, Takhar, Balkh, Ghor, Herat, Farah, Kunduz, Badghis and Sar-e-Pul provinces.

“The lines (personnel) of the war changed, people were serving in the provinces as security commanders who weren’t familiar with the war because the government had sent the war commanders home,” said MP Ibdallullah Mohammadi.

“There was no preparation to confront such a big war, we weren’t prepared for guerrilla warfare,” said MP Arif Rahmani.

Meanwhile, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) said that the Afghan security forces have increased airstrikes on Taliban positions in Nangarhar, Herat, Balkh, Jawzjan, Helmand, Takhar, Badakhshan, Kunduz, Baghlan and Kapisa provinces in a move to recapture the districts lost to the Taliban.

“258 Taliban fighters were killed and 100 more were wounded in the operations conducted by the security and defense forces in the past 24 hours,” said Fawad Aman, deputy spokesman for the Ministry of Defense. (…)

TN 01.07., Anstieg des Opiumanbaus seit dem Vorjahr um 45%!

The deputy minister of counter-narcotics on Thursday said that poppy cultivation and drug smuggling has increased by 45 percent in Afghanistan this year compared to the same period last year. Authorities in Afghanistan said that poppy is currently cultivated on over 200,000 hectares of land in different regions of the country and that Afghanistan still produces 80 percent of the world's opium. (…) The Afghan Ministry of Public Health said that currently there are around 3.5 million addicts in Afghanistan.

“The difference in the numbers between 2009 and 2016—900,000 in 2009 and 3.5 million now--indicates a rising trend,” said Zahir Sultani, the head of Ibn-e-Sina hospital.

30.06. Die letzten Bundeswehrsoldaten verlassen in vier Maschinen von Mazar aus nach fast 20 Jahren Afghanistan. Sie treffen am nächsten Tag in Wunstorf ein, empfangen von ihren Familienangehörigen, aber von keinem ihrer politischen Auftraggeber aus Regierung und Parlament. Der Kommandeur es letzten Resolute Support Kontingents: „mission accomplished. Sie haben Ihren Auftrag erfüllt.“ 

TN 26.06.,  29 Civilians Killed in Kunduz in A Week as Clashes Continue

Laut offiziellen Angaben wurden weitere 225 Zivilpersonen bei Zusammenstößen in der Provinz seit einer Woche verwundet.

Sicherheitskräfte gewannen die Kontrolle über zwei Distrikte am Samstag und sechs Distrikte am Freitag zurück, unterstützt von „public uprising forces“.

Die Zentren von vier Distrikten sollen in den letzten 24 Stunden an die Taliban gefallen ein:  Siahgerd aund Shinwari Distrikt in Parwan, Ghorak Distrikt in Kandahar, and Mizan Distrikt in Zabul.

TN 26.06., ANDSF Breaks Taliban Siege in Northern City Supported by the public uprising forces, the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) on Saturday broke the Taliban’s siege on the outskirts of Pul-e-Khumri, the center of Baghlan province in the north, and managed to retake District 2 of the city where the two sides had fought some of the fiercest battles in the last seven days.

TN 26.06., US Launches Drone Strikes in Northern Afghanistan: Report -  

A US defense official quoted by Fox News said on Friday that the United States military has launched two drone strikes against Taliban positions in northern Afghanistan. 

The strikes came hours before President Ashraf Ghani’s meeting with US President Joe Biden on Friday, the report says.

An unknown number of Taliban fighters were killed in Baghlan and Kunduz provinces, where the strikes took place, Fox News reported. (..)

The US Central Command has said that the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), flagship of the Ronald Reagan carrier strike group (CSG), along with guided-missile cruiser USS Shiloh (CG 67) and guided-missile destroyer USS Halsey (DDG 97), entered the US 5th Fleet area of operations on June 25.

While in the US 5th Fleet area of operations, the Ronald Reagan CSG will operate and train alongside regional and coalition partners and provide airpower to protect US and coalition forces as they conduct drawdown operations from Afghanistan, the US Central Command said.

TN 26.06., People Take Up Arms in Two More Provinces to Fight Taliban

Like eight other provinces across Afghanistan, this time, a large group of residents of Herat in the west and Kunduz in the north took up arms to support the Afghan defense and security forces in the fight against the Taliban.

Those who rallied in support of Afghan forces have said that they believe in peace, but will defend the democratic values at any cost.

So far, hundreds of people have taken up arms against the Taliban in Takhar, Balkh, Badghis, Baghlan, Nangarhar, Laghman, Jawzjan, Samangan and Kapisa provinces.

“The security forces are not alone. We are with them,” said Nazir Ahmad, a member of public uprising forces in Herat.

Also in Kunduz province, a large number of people took up arms to support the Afghan forces in the fight against the militants.

“If you are fleeing Kunduz today, I want to tell you that a man dies one time, but a weak person dies each day,” said Rabbani Rabbani, member of Kunduz provincial council, referring to reports that some local officials had fled Kunduz following increased attacks by the Taliban.

People in northern Baghlan province have also taken up arms to fight the Taliban.

TN 25.06., Afghans Who Aided US Troops Won’t be Left Behind: Biden - US President Joe Biden on Thursday said that Afghan interpreters who helped American troops during the 20-year-long war in Afghanistan will not be abandoned to their fate when all US and coalition troops leave the country.

Responding to questions after a White House speech, Biden said, “Those who helped us are not going to be left behind ... They’re welcome here just like anyone else who risked their lives to help us.”

Biden added: “They are going to come. We’ve already begun the process. Those who helped us are not going to be left behind.”

The Associated Press reported on Thursday that the Biden administration plans to evacuate tens of thousands of Afghan interpreters and others who worked with US forces over the last two decades while their applications for US entry are processed.

The administration intends to carry out the evacuation later this summer, likely in August, according to a second official familiar with the deliberations but not authorized to discuss them publicly, the Associated Press reports.

According to the report, both officials added that no country or countries for the planned temporary relocation have been settled on. 

“We are taking this seriously, here at the department and here in the United States government,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said on Thursday. “We know we have an obligation to these men and women and their families, and we’re working our way through how best to meet that obligation.” 

He said that “planning is ongoing” in this respect. 

“Lots of options available, both in terms of transportation, in terms of potential locations. And we’re just not there yet where I can specifically announce exactly how this is going to transpire,” he added.

Afghan interpreters and others who have worked with US and coalition forces have held many rallies over the last two months, demanding attention from the United States and other NATO allies to their safety once all troops leave Afghanistan.

TN 25.06., US Plans to Evacuate Thousands of Afghan Interpreters

The Biden administration plans to evacuate tens of thousands of Afghan interpreters and others who worked with US forces over the last two decades while their applications for US entry are processed, the Associated Press reports quoting officials familiar with the matter.

The report quotes a senior administration official as saying that planning has accelerated in recent days to relocate the Afghans and their families to other countries or US territories.

The administration intends to carry out the evacuation later this summer, likely in August, according to a second official familiar with the deliberations but not authorized to discuss them publicly, the Associated Press reports.

According to the report, both officials added that no country or countries for the planned temporary relocation have been settled on.

BILD 25.06.: Taliban überrennen Afghanistan – Hier ergibt sich die afghanische Armee

BILD 25.06.: Taliban marschieren auf Bundesehr-Lager zu

BILD 25.06.: „Jetzt kommen unsere Soldaten zurück nach Hause – Truppenabzug nur in sondergeschützten Flugzeugen möglich“

TN 24.06.. Samangan, Kapisa Residents Take Up Arms to Fight Taliban:  

After dozens of districts fell to the Taliban in the past two months, tribal elders and influential local figures have armed hundreds of their subordinates to deploy them to the front lines of the war.

TN 24.06., Baghlan: PD2 of Pul-e-Khumri Held by Taliban, City Under Siege - Police District 2 of Pul-e-Khumri city, capital of the northern province of Baghlan, fell to the Taliban on Wednesday night and the group has tightened its ring of control around the city, said residents and officials. PD2 is in the northeastern part of Pul-e-Khumri and is about 4 km from the center of the city.TN 24.06., Taliban Take 7 District Centers in Past 24 Hours: Sources - The Taliban have seized the centers of at least seven districts in Faryab, Baghlan, Uruzgan, Logar and Ghazni provinces in the past 24 hours, according to sources.

Three district centers (Bilchiragh, Qaramqol and Gurizwan) were taken in Faryab, Charchino in Uruzgan, Tala Wa Brafak in Baghlan, Qarabagh in Ghazni, and Azra in Logar. 

During this period, the Afghan security forces also engaged in fierce battles with the Taliban in Kunduz city, Taluqan and Maimana, the provincial capitals of Kunduz, Takhar and Faryab, respectively.

According to sources, 300 soldiers were deployed in each of the fallen district centers.

“Security forces in Gurizwan evacuated the area due to a lack of communication,” said Abdul Ahad Elbek, a member of Faryab's provincial council.

“We call on the central government to think about the areas lost,” said MP Hashmatullah Arman.

“In the present government, those who made sacrifices and worked hard haven’t been appreciated, they weren’t encouraged, the only people appreciated are the ones sitting in luxury offices,” said MP Assadullah Shahbaz.

A Logar provincial council member said that the Taliban has taken over the center of Azra district in Logar.

“The govt thought that the Taliban would try to take over eight strategic districts, but they changed their tactics and instead launched attacks on 200 fronts,” said MP Arif Rahmani.

With the announcement of the foreign troop withdrawal, the number of district centers that have fallen to the Taliban in the past two months has reached 80.

TN 23.06., Public Uprising Expands as Taliban Attacks Continue:  

Public uprisings against the Taliban are expanding in various regions of Afghanistan as the Taliban continues to mount attacks against government forces.

In northern Jawzjan province, there are reports that women have taken up arms to fight the Taliban.

In Kohdman village in northern Kabul province, many armed residents filled the main road, pledging to fight the Taliban.

In Nangarhar and Laghman provinces in the east, the people have taken up arms to fight the Taliban, and also in the western province of Herat.

“At this point, the politics of bullying cannot rule, these armed men say that they will not allow the Taliban to rule them and burn their gardens and fields as in the past,” said Mir Naeem Haidari, deputy head of Kohdman council.

“Let us sit like two brothers and resolve the issues of Afghanistan,” said Mir Ghulam Jailani Darwish, a resident of Kohdaman.

Paying tribute to the ANDSF, MP Hazrat Ali said: “I know that you face hard days, but I congratulate you because you are the winners.” 

“We pledge to the Ministry of Defense that we will defend against the enemy,” said Ali Khan, a fighter with the public uprising forces.

This comes as the Taliban has taken over 70 districts in the country in the past two months.

TN 23.06., Baghlan: Clashes Ongoing in Capital Pul-e-Khumri - Pul-e-Khumri city, capital of Baghlan province has been siege by the Taliban in the past several days.

Police special forces and commandos on Wednesday assured the people that soon Pul-e- Khumri city, capital of northern Baghlan province, will break free from the Taliban siege.

Residents of the city told TOLOnews reporter Sharif Amiry, who is in Pul-e-Khumri, they have left all their belongings and moved to the secure parts of the city.

“Not just in our village, if you see, the people are being displaced in every village, district and across the province,” said Sultan, a resident of Pul-e-Khumri.

Dahna-e-Ghori, Burka, Nahrin, Jalga, Baghlan-e-Markzai and Doshi districts of Baghlan fell to the Taliban in the past two weeks, according to local officials and sources.

On the battlefield, police special forces, commandos and public uprising forces are fighting against the Taliban.

“They (Taliban) blocked a road in PD2 (of Pul-e-Khumri) and we are going to clear the road,” said Fawad Nabard, commander of the 888 police unit.

22.06., Long War Journal, Kunduz Province in Danger of falling to the Taliban

The Taliban has gone on the offensive in northern Afghanistan and is on the verge of taking control of Kunduz province if Afghan security forces cannot stay the siege of Kunduz City. Kunduz is one of eight provinces in danger of falling to the Taliban before U.S. forces are scheduled to completely withdraw in September.

The Taliban is currently in control of six of Kunduz’s seven districts and has surrounded Kunduz City. The Taliban massed outside of Kunduz City over the weekend and “seized the city’s entrance before dispersing throughout its neighborhoods,” The New York Times reported on June 20. Fighting inside the city is ongoing, according to Bilal Sarwary, an independent Afghan journalist.

The Taliban blitzed Kunduz’s districts, which have always been hotly contested, beginning in mid-June. On June 12, the Taliban took control of Aliabad. (There are reports that Afghan forces have re-entered Aliabab but this has not been confirmed at the time of publishing. Regardless, the security situation in Aliabad is highly unstable).

Then, between June 19 and June 21, the districts of Chahar Dara, Dasht-i-Archi, Imam Sahib, Khanabad, and Qala-i-Zal all fell under Taliban control.

In Imam Sahib district, the Taliban took control of Shirkhan Bandar, a dry port and border crossing with Tajikistan, “without a shot being fired,” according to Sarwary. This followed a pattern seen throughout many of the more than 50 districts taken by the Taliban since May 1: Afghan forces often are abandoning their bases, outposts and district centers without a fight.

The Taliban blitzed Kunduz’s districts, which have always been hotly contested, beginning in mid-June. On June 12, the Taliban took control of Aliabad. (There are reports that Afghan forces have re-entered Aliabab but this has not been confirmed at the time of publishing. Regardless, the security situation in Aliabad is highly unstable).

Then, between June 19 and June 21, the districts of Chahar Dara, Dasht-i-Archi, Imam Sahib, Khanabad, and Qala-i-Zal all fell under Taliban control.

In Imam Sahib district, the Taliban took control of Shirkhan Bandar, a dry port and border crossing with Tajikistan, “without a shot being fired,” according to Sarwary. This followed a pattern seen throughout many of the more than 50 districts taken by the Taliban since May 1: Afghan forces often are abandoning their bases, outposts and district centers without a fight.

Kunduz is not the only province in danger of falling to the Taliban. In Uruzgan, the Taliban controls five of six districts, and the provincial capital of Tarin Kot is surrounded and contested. The situation in Farah province is just as bad, with nine of the province’s 11 districts under Taliban control, and the other two contest. Farah City, the provincial capital, is also under direct threat from the Taliban, which overran the city in 2018. The security situation in other provinces, such as Ghazni, Helmand, Kandahar, Takhar, and Zabul is equally dire.

The Taliban has seized control of 61 districts since the U.S. announced in mid-April it would withdrawal from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021. The Afghan military has only been able to retake five of the districts. [For information on taliban gains over the weekend, see LWJ report, Taliban enters Kunduz City, seizes control of more than 20 districts.]

Many of the districts that have been taken by the Taliban were previously contested, however, a handful of the districts were previously under Afghan government control. So the number of districts controlled by the Taliban is increasing as the number of contested districts is decreasing.

The Taliban currently controls 134 of Afghanistan’s 407 districts, while 178 districts are contested, according to FDD’s Long War Journal’s ongoing study of the security situation in Afghanistan.

SPIEGEL 22.06. Bundeswehr steht vor gefährlichster Phase ihres Abzuges -

22.05., Long War Journal: Bill Roggio, Analysis: Predicting the coming Taliban offensive ,

Vortragsangebot zu Riga-Deportationen, Ghetto Riga + Dt. Riga-Komitee

Ende 1941/Anfang 1942 rollten Deportationszüge aus Deutschland und Österreich nach Riga.

1989 stieß ich auf die Spuren der verschleppten jüdischen Frauen, Männer und Kinder.

Mit meinem bebilderten Vortrag "Nachbarn von nebenan - verschollen in Riga" stehe ich gern für Erinnerungsveranstaltungen und Schulen zur Verfügung. (Anlage)

Vorstellung der "Toolbox Krisenmanagement"

Von der zivilen Krisenprävention bis zum Peacebuilding: Die 53-seitige Broschüre stellt kompakt und klar auf jeweils einer Themenseite Prinzipien, Akteure und Instrumente des Krisenmanagements vor. Bei einem Kolloquium im Bundestag in Berlin wurde die Schrift einem Fachpublikum vorgestellt. Erstellt von AutorInnen des Zentrums Internationale Friedenseinsätze ZIF und der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik SWP ist die "Toolbox" ein wichtiger Beitrag zur friedens- und sicherheitspolitischen Grundbildung auf einem Politikfeld, wo die Analphabetenrate in der Gesellschaft, aber auch in Medien und Politik sehr hoch ist. ...

Auf dem Foto überreicht W. Nachtwei den AutorInnen seine 2008 erschienene Broschüre zur Zivilen Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung.

Mehr zur Rolle zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure bei der zivilen Konfliktbearbeitung u.a.:
