Seit 2006 begehen auch in Afghanistan Abertausende Menschen den 1981 von der UNO ausgerufenen Internationalen Friedenstag am 21. September, verbunden mit dem Aufruf zur allgemeinen Waffenruhe. Geplant sind Aktivitäten in 34 Provinzen. Träger ist das Afghan Civil Society Organization Network for Peace, das eine Petition an Präsident Karzei und die Führer der Internationalen Gemeinschaft initiiert hat. Unverständlicherweise finden diese mutigen Friedensaktivitäten in Deutschland bisher fast keine Beachtung, geschweige Unterstützung. Unterstützungsadressen an
Hier die Übersicht über die Aktivitäten zum Friedenstag:
Internationaler Friedenstag 21. September 2011 in Afghanistan
Peace Day will be a national campaign to sign the Peace petition. September 22nd, ACSONP (Afghan Civil Society Organization Network for Peace) will present the petitions that carry the following message to President Karzai. The petitions will not only be signed by Afghan citizens but by international petitioners as well.
Message of Afghan people to the president and the International Community Leaders:
Afghan people are tired of current civil war, continues terrorist attacks, civilian causalities and destruction by foreign forces and anti government actors.Afghan people, Afghan civil society organizations, human and women rights activists are expressing their concerns and objections regarding current  injustice in the country, promoting the culture of impunity, human rights violation, poverty, unemployment, addiction, increasing violence against women and other anti human rights issues through conferences, symposiums and messages. They are always desirous peace and realization of justice in their country.
People want you not to disregard justice for ensuring peace in the country. They want you to recognize the sorrows of the war victims and end the culture of impunity. You are obliged to respond to the demands and needs of the people.
Member organizations of the ACSNOP network believe that it is time to let the leaders in Afghanistan and leaders of the world know that the majority of Afghan's want peace. Nine years after the fall of Taliban at this time in the reconstruction of Afghanistan, media and experts have begun to reflect the belief that peace in Afghanistan may not be possible. The leaders of ASCNOP believe that a grassroots level campaign to invite the silent majority of Afghans to raise their voices for peace will give hope to people around the world who hope to support Afghanistan reach stability and peace.
ACSNOP members will work together with AWSE (Afghan woman services and education organization, ) coordination to schedule Peace Day activities in 34 provinces that feature the signing of the petition and writing personal messages on pieces of white cloth as the central activity designed to send an important reminder to President Karzai and world leaders that Afghan's want peace.
Activities scheduled around the country on 21st around the country will start with signing the petition and send their personal messages to President Karzai on white pieces of cloth.
Each organization will choose an activity appropriate to their province. The activities will include:
1.     Sports events
2.     Kite flying
3.     Essay competitions in schools
4.     Publishing banners and peace messages distributed on 21st during petition signing.
5.     Round table discussion
6.     Event set in Mosques
ACSNOP organizations that have stepped forward to facilitate Peace Day activities in provinces around the country.
# |
Province |
ACSNOP Organization |
Activities |
1 |
Kabul |
Flying kites, Round table, Essay writing competition, installing Banners, distributing messages |
2 |
Kandahar |
Football match, installing banners ,Gathering, Essay reading competition |
3 |
Badghes |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Gathering, Sport matches |
4 |
Kunar |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Essay Writing competition |
5 |
Wardak |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Essay writing competition, Gathering |
6 |
Takhar |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,Gathering,Sport Match |
7 |
Faryab |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Sport Matches, Gathering |
8 |
Bamyan, |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Sports matches, Gathering |
9 |
Kunduz |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Gathering,Sport Match |
10 |
Parwan |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,Gathering,Discussion,Reading poem |
11 |
Daikundi |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,Valleyball,Essay Writing competition |
12 |
Herat |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Sport matches, Gathering |
13 |
Nangarhar |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Essay Reading Competition |
14 |
Laghman |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Essay writing competition, Gathering |
15 |
Khost |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Discussion, Reading essay |
16 |
Laghman |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,Sport Matches,Essay Writing competition |
17 |
Jawzjan |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Gathering,Poem competition |
18 |
Paktika |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,Gathering,Reading Essay |
19 |
Badakhshan |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,Sport matches,Essay Writing competition |
20 |
Mazar-e- sharif |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,Sport Matches, Gathering |
21 |
Nooristan |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Poem competition,Gathering |
22 |
Nimroz |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,EssayWriting competition,Reading Essays |
23 |
Ghazni |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,Gathering,Reading Essays |
24 |
Samangan |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,Poem competition,reading topics |
25 |
Ghoor |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,Sports Matches,Poem cometition |
26 |
Panjshir |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,Gathering , Reading topics |
27 |
Logar |
Installing Banners, distributing messages Sport matches,Essay writing competition |
28 |
Paktia |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Sport matches, reading topics |
29 |
Farah |
Installing Banners, distributing messages,Gathering,Essay reading |
30 |
Helmand |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Sport matches, Essay writing |
31 |
Sarpol |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Gathering ,poem competition |
32 |
Kandahar |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Gathering and Sport matches |
33 |
Zabul |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Essay writing competition |
34 |
Kapisa |
Installing Banners, distributing messages, Gathering ,poem competition |
Ende 1941/Anfang 1942 rollten Deportationszüge aus Deutschland und Österreich nach Riga.
1989 stieß ich auf die Spuren der verschleppten jüdischen Frauen, Männer und Kinder.
Mit meinem bebilderten Vortrag "Nachbarn von nebenan - verschollen in Riga" stehe ich gern für Erinnerungsveranstaltungen und Schulen zur Verfügung. (Anlage)
Von der zivilen Krisenprävention bis zum Peacebuilding: Die 53-seitige Broschüre stellt kompakt und klar auf jeweils einer Themenseite Prinzipien, Akteure und Instrumente des Krisenmanagements vor. Bei einem Kolloquium im Bundestag in Berlin wurde die Schrift einem Fachpublikum vorgestellt. Erstellt von AutorInnen des Zentrums Internationale Friedenseinsätze ZIF und der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik SWP ist die "Toolbox" ein wichtiger Beitrag zur friedens- und sicherheitspolitischen Grundbildung auf einem Politikfeld, wo die Analphabetenrate in der Gesellschaft, aber auch in Medien und Politik sehr hoch ist. ...
Auf dem Foto überreicht W. Nachtwei den AutorInnen seine 2008 erschienene Broschüre zur Zivilen Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung.
Mehr zur Rolle zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure bei der zivilen Konfliktbearbeitung u.a.: