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Genauer Hinsehen: Sicherheitslage Afghanistan (Lageberichte + Einzelmeldungen) bis 2019
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Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


2. Januar 2010 01:14:20 +02:00

01. Oktober - 29. Dezember 2009.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


5. Juni 2009 15:14:32 +02:00

04. - 30. Mai 2009.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


17. Januar 2009 01:03:01 +02:00

18.11. - 19.12.2008.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


17. Januar 2009 01:00:20 +02:00

29.09. - 16.11.2008.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


17. Januar 2009 00:55:06 +02:00

24.07. - 27.09.2008.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


17. Juli 2008 00:21:15 +02:00

31.05. - 16.07.2008.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


3. Juni 2008 23:33:26 +02:00

01.04. - 31.05.2008

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


2. April 2008 00:09:19 +02:00

08.02. - 30.03.2008.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


8. Februar 2008 11:53:13 +02:00

09.01. - 06.02.2008.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


19. Dezember 2007 01:12:16 +02:00

03.11. - 18.12.2007.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


3. November 2007 01:09:55 +02:00

01.10. - 02.11.2007.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


1. Oktober 2007 15:25:26 +02:00

01. - 28. September 2007.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


2. September 2007 15:21:40 +02:00

20. Juli - 31. August 2007.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


15. Juli 2007 08:03:04 +02:00

01. Juni - 14. Juli 2007.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


1. Juni 2007 15:20:41 +02:00

16. April - 31. Mai 2007.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


20. April 2007 11:09:52 +02:00

19. März - 15. April 2007.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


19. März 2007 14:47:11 +02:00

01. Februar - 18. März 2007.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


1. Februar 2007 00:40:16 +02:00

06. - 31. Januar 2007.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


30. Dezember 2006 01:18:46 +02:00

13. November - 29. Dezember 2006.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . These templates should have the extension .xt there.

Kurzmeldungen zur Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik


14. November 2006 01:15:30 +02:00

01. Oktober - 13. November 2006.

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Sortiert nach Datum Titel Aufrufe
Vortragsangebot zu Riga-Deportationen, Ghetto Riga + Dt. Riga-Komitee

Ende 1941/Anfang 1942 rollten Deportationszüge aus Deutschland und Österreich nach Riga.

1989 stieß ich auf die Spuren der verschleppten jüdischen Frauen, Männer und Kinder.

Mit meinem bebilderten Vortrag "Nachbarn von nebenan - verschollen in Riga" stehe ich gern für Erinnerungsveranstaltungen und Schulen zur Verfügung. (Anlage)

Vorstellung der "Toolbox Krisenmanagement"

Von der zivilen Krisenprävention bis zum Peacebuilding: Die 53-seitige Broschüre stellt kompakt und klar auf jeweils einer Themenseite Prinzipien, Akteure und Instrumente des Krisenmanagements vor. Bei einem Kolloquium im Bundestag in Berlin wurde die Schrift einem Fachpublikum vorgestellt. Erstellt von AutorInnen des Zentrums Internationale Friedenseinsätze ZIF und der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik SWP ist die "Toolbox" ein wichtiger Beitrag zur friedens- und sicherheitspolitischen Grundbildung auf einem Politikfeld, wo die Analphabetenrate in der Gesellschaft, aber auch in Medien und Politik sehr hoch ist. ...

Auf dem Foto überreicht W. Nachtwei den AutorInnen seine 2008 erschienene Broschüre zur Zivilen Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung.

Mehr zur Rolle zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure bei der zivilen Konfliktbearbeitung u.a.:
