Afghanistan Juli 2021: Taliban-Vormarsch zur Machtergreifung. Laufend aktualisierte Meldungen und Berichte (Stand 07.-24.07.2021)
Von: Nachtwei amDo, 15 Juli 2021 19:17:44 +01:00Die Lage nach dem Abzug der NATO-Truppen ist höchst unübersichtlich und unberechenbar. Der schnelle Fall vieler Distrikte im Norden, vor allem in Badakhshan und Takhar, trifft die Basis der Kabuler Machthaber. Die Eroberung wictiger Grenzübergänge nehmen der Regierung wichtige Zolleinnahmequellen. In der Provinz Ghazni werden nur noch zwei der 16 Distrikte der Regierung zugerechnet. Akut bedroht ist der Distrikt Jaghori (Hazara-Enklave), der bisher von der Jaghori-Miliz gegen mehrere Talibanangriffe verteidigt wurde. Hier befindet sich die vom Freundeskreis Afghanistan seit 1981 (!) unterstützte Schullandschaft Jaghori - eine Hoffnungsinsel sondergleichen!
Taliban Vormarsch zur Machtergreifung! Laufend aktualisierte Meldungen zur Konfliktlage nach dem NATO-Abzug (7.7.-24.7.2021)
Winfried Nachtwei
Vorbemerkung: Die Informationsquellen zur Lage in Afghanistan werden spärlicher, der Propagandaanteil nimmt zu. Die folgende Zusammenstellung kann deshalb nur grobe Einblicke in die Lageentwicklung geben. Ich empfinde sie als extrem alarmierend!
Zur Lage Juni
Zur Lage April
Zur Lage Feb / März
Zur Lage Jan / Feb
TOLOnews 24.07., „UN Warns of Expanding Threat from Daesh, al Qaeda in Afghanistan. The United Nations in a new report is warning that the threat from terror groups such as Daesh and al Qaeda is expanding in many places in Afghanistan where the security situation remains fragile with uncertainty surrounding the peace process and a risk of further deterioration.
The report by the UN Security Council, published Thursday, says that despite territorial, leadership, manpower and financial losses during 2020 in Kunar and Nangarhar provinces, Daesh’s Khorasan branch, or ISIL-K, has moved into other provinces, including Nuristan, Badghis, Sar-e-Pul, Baghlan, Badakhshan, Kunduz and Kabul, where fighters have formed sleeper cells.
The report says that the group has strengthened its positions in and around Kabul, where it conducts most of its attacks, targeting minorities, activists, government employees and personnel of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.
The report says that most recently, Daesh claimed responsibility for the brutal attack of 8 June, when 10 humanitarian deminers working with HALO Trust in Baghlan Province were killed and 16 were injured.
“In its efforts to resurge, ISIL-K has prioritized the recruitment and training of new supporters; its leaders also hope to attract intransigent Taliban and other militants who reject the Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the United States and the Taliban and to recruit fighters from the Syrian Arab Republic, Iraq and other conflict zones,” the report says.
The report states that the estimates of the strength of Daesh’s Khorasan branch range widely, with one member state reporting between 500 and 1,500 fighters and another stating that it may rise to as many as 10,000 over the medium term. (…)
The UN report says that as reported by the UN Monitoring Team in its twelfth report to the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1988 (2011), al Qaeda is present in at least 15 Afghan provinces, primarily in the eastern, southern and south-eastern regions. The report says that al Qaeda’s weekly Thabat newsletter reports on its operations inside Afghanistan. (…)“
TN 24.07., „Envoys Seek End to Taliban’s ‘Military Offensive’. The special representatives from the United States, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, NATO, Norway, and the United Kingdom met in Rome on 22 July to discuss the situation in Afghanistan and the developments in the Afghan peace negotiations after the latest round of high-level talks in Doha last week, reiterating on an immediate end to violence in the country.
The envoys in a statement said they are committed to a strong partnership with Afghanistan and will be closely monitoring ongoing developments in this new phase of transition with the withdrawal of international forces. (…)
“We express our full support to an inclusive Afghan-owned and Afghan-led peace process with full and meaningful participation of women that leads to a just and durable political settlement,” the envoys said.
“We also highlight five elements of a final settlement that are most critical: (1) inclusive governance; (2) the right to elect political leaders; (3) protections for human rights, including rights of women, youth and minorities; (4) commitments on counter-terrorism, including to ensure that Afghanistan does not again serve as a safe haven for terrorists; and (5) adherence to international law, including international humanitarian law. We emphasize that international support to any future government will depend, at least in part, on adherence to these five elements,” they said in the statement.
The special representatives said they intend to maintain their support for Afghan institutions, including defense and security forces, to address the country’s urgent needs.
“We also reiterate that future assistance to Afghanistan is dependent on good governance and a commitment to the rule of law and human rights, including preservation of the gains made by women and girls over the past two decades, as well as the government taking meaningful steps to tackle corruption and to meeting commitments made at the November 2020 Geneva Conference,” the envoys said. (…)“
FAZ 24.07., „Eine Stadt in Angst“ von Christian Meier. „Die Taliban stehen vor Kabul, Viele Einwohner der afghanischen Hauptstadt sind verzweifelt und fragen sich, ob sie fliehen sollen. Ein paar junge Frauen wollen kämpfen.“ Reportage ganze Seite 3.
SZ 24.07.2021, „Warten auf das Visum – Deutschland will afghanische Helfer bei Ausreise unterstützen. Das klappt nicht immer.“ Von Danlel Brössler und Tobias Matern,
TAZ 23.07., „Regierung verharmlost Afghanistan-Lage: Gefährlich geschönt
Das Auswärtige Amt verharmlost in seinem Bericht den Vormarsch der Taliban. Die taz konnte das unter Verschluss gehaltene Dokument einsehen.“ Von Thomas Ruttig,!5785151/
TN 23.07., Critics See 'No Change' on Battlefields Despite Recent Reshuffles. Two lawmakers and military experts on Friday raised their deep apprehensions over the Taliban’s continued advances in various regions of the country, saying there has been no change on the ground despite the recent reshuffles in the country’s security entities.
A month ago, President Ashraf Ghani announced the appointment of Gen. Bismillah Mohammadi as acting minister of defense, Gen. Abdul Sattar Mirzakwal as acting minister of interior and Gen. Mohammad Wali Ahmadzai as Chief of Army Staff.
MPs argued that 70 districts, 6 customs and border towns were fallen to the Taliban since the appointment of new security chiefs over the last month.
“It would be quite difficult for them (new security officials) to bring a sudden change. These discussions should have started at least one year or one and half years ago,” said Rahmatullah Nabil, the former head of the NDS.
“There has been no positive change on the ground with the arrival of these officials due to the large intensity of the war,” said MP Mir Haidar Afzali.
Military experts said there is a need for unity and better coordination within the nation’s security agencies and in the leadership level to fix the fragile security situation.“
FAZ 23.07., „Afghanische Ortskräfte - Eine nationale Schande – Deutschland lässt die afghanischen Hilfskräfte im Stich“ von Stefan Rebenich,
Long War Journal 22.07., Taliban battles Afghan military for control of Kandahar City
By Bill Roggio | After taking control of several key districts surrounding Kandahar City over the past two months, the Taliban has launched its offensive on the provincial capital. Kandahar City is now under siege.
The Taliban has used its rural insurgency strategy of taking control of remote districts to push closer to the provincial capitals. The rural areas are used to recruit and train fighters, raise funds, resupply, and launch attacks into neighboring districts and the population centers. This strategy was explained by Mullah Aminullah Yousuf, then the Taliban’s shadow governor for Uruzgan, in April 2016. (…)
The Taliban’s strategy is clearly seen in Kandahar province, where the provincial capital is now under direct threat of falling under Taliban control. The Taliban took control of four key districts – Arghandad, Dand, Shah Wali Kot, and Zhari – over the past three months. These four districts border the city from the north, west, and south. The Taliban has launched its assault of the city from these districts.
Kandahar City (and Kandahar district) and Daman district are contested, while Kandahar Air Field, which is crucial to provide close air support to Afghan forces in the province, is under government control. If the Taliban is able to seize control of Daman, Afghan forces will be hard pressed to repel the Taliban’s offensive.
TN 22.07., Sources Allege 100 Civilians Killed After Fall of Spin Boldak.
Unidentified gunmen reportedly have killed "over a 100 civilians" in Spin Boldak district of Kandahar province, sources familiar with the matter said on Thursday.
The Afghan Ministry of Interior (MoI) confirmed the report, saying these civilians were killed without any reason.
The Afghan government blamed the Taliban for the murder of civilians. “The brutal terrorists on the order of their Punjabi bosses (Pakistan) ambushed the homes of the innocent Afghans in certain areas of Spin Boldak, looted the homes and martyred 100 innocent people,” said Mirwais Stanekzai, a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior. (…)
Meanwhile, a member of Kandahar's provincial council has said that two of his sons were taken from their home a day before Eid began and both were killed by the unidentified gunmen. The Taliban has denied any involvement in the killing of civilians.
TN 22.07., US-Verteidigungsminister: US-Abzug komplett bis Ende August.
He said the US military has tasks to accomplish which include protecting US diplomatic presence in Afghanistan, providing funding to Afghan forces, advising Afghan ministries and preventing the re-emergence of a transnational terrorist threat from the country. (…)General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff. (…)
Meanwhile, Gen. Mark Milley said that all the military operating bases outside of Kabul have been fully transferred to the Afghan Ministry of Defense and the Afghan security forces.
“A small contingent of predominantly military personnel, but some civilians and contractors, along with Department of State, remain in Afghanistan to provide security and bolster our diplomatic presence in Kabul. The forces here are key to achieving the five ongoing tasks that the secretary laid out in his comments,” he said.
A major component of sustaining a robust diplomatic presence in Kabul is to maintain a functioning and secure airport in Kabul, he said.
“So, we continue to dedicate our security resources to that, to secure the embassy, to secure the international zone and secure HKIA, the international airport in Kabul for our diplomats, our personnel and our continued support to the government of Afghanistan,” Milley added.
He said Afghan Security Forces have the capacity to sufficiently fight and defend their country, and we will continue to support the Afghan Security Forces where necessary in accordance with the guidance from the president and the secretary of defense. (…)
On Taliban attacks, he said: “I would tell you that as of today, more or less -- I guess it's about 212, 213, it's in that range -- the 200s -- of the district centers are in Taliban control. It's about half of the 419 that are out there.”
He added: “You've got 34 provincial capitals in Afghanistan. None of them have been seized, as of today, by the Taliban, although the Taliban is putting pressure on the outskirts of probably about half of them -- 17 of them, in fact -- and what they're trying to do is isolate the major population centers. They're trying to do the same thing to Kabul," he said.
TN 21.08., Afghanistan relativ ruhig am zweiten Tag von Eid al-Adha (Opferfest) . „No security incidents were reported in provincial capitals Ghazni city, Kandahar city or Maimana during the Eid days, despite recent battles in these areas.“
FAZ 20.07., „Die Verhandlungen gehen weiter – Zumindest eine kurze Feuerpause hatte sich Afghanistans Regierung von den Gesprächen mit den Taliban erhofft – bislang vergeblich“von Christian Meier, Kabul,
SZ 20.07., „Die Taliban als neue Nachbarn – Das vom Westen in Afghanistan hinterlassene Vakuum weckt Begehrlichkeiten, Sorge und Ängste. Die Anrainerstaaten stellen sich auf den Vormarsch der Islamisten ein – die werbenderweil um Aufbauhilfe und Investitionen aus Peking“ von Tobia Matern, Frank Nienhuysen und Arne Perras,
TN 19.07., 500 Zivilisten binnen eines Monats (11.06.-17.07.) in der Provinz Kunduz verstümmelt und schwer verletzt, davon 130 Kinder, so der Bericht lokaler Hilfsorganisationen. Durch die letzten Kämpfe seien insgesamt 12.000 Menschen in Kunduz vertrieben worden.
TAZ 19.07., „Die Taliban machen, was sie wollen. Afghanistans Regierung erscheint macht- und hilflos. Die Taliban haben die afghanischen Außengrenzen größtenteils unter Kontrolle gebracht. Sie können nun nach Belieben die Regierungsarmee kapitulieren lassen und dann von einer „politischen Lösung“ sprechen“ von Thomas Ruttig,!5781587/
SZ 19.07., Wo sich Afghanistans Schicksal entscheidet“, von Tobias Matern. „Einst patrouillierte die Bundeswehr im Norden. Nun rücken die Taliban vor, um dort da Fundament für ihre neue Herrschaft zu legen. In dieser Region des Landes war der Widerstand gegen sie immer am stärksten. (…)“
TN 18.07., Russia Offered US Use of Central Asia Bases: Report
Russian President Vladimir Putin in June offered US counterpart Joe Biden the use of Russian military bases in Central Asia for information gathering from Afghanistan, Reuters reported quoting the Kommersant newspaper report from Saturday.
The Reuters report says that Putin proposed at June 16 talks with Biden in Geneva that they coordinate on Afghanistan and put Russia's bases in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to "practical use", Kommersant reported, citing sources.
The newspaper said this could involve the exchange of information obtained using drones but that there had been no concrete response from the US side.
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday said the US and NATO alliance withdrawal from Afghanistan made the political and military situation more uncertain, which in turn exacerbated the insurgent’s threat in the region. (…)
TN 17.07., Afghan Republic, Taliban Delegations Begin Talks in Doha. A high-ranking delegation from the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan led by Chairman Abdullah Abdullah and a Taliban delegation led by deputy leader of the group Abdul Ghani Baradar started negotiations on peace with the hope to agree on key issues that will lead to political settlement and end of violence in the country.
The meeting is hosted by Qatar where the republic and Taliban negotiators have continued their talks for the last 10 months, but their meetings have not had tangible progress so far.
Former vice president Mohammad Karim Khalili, Ata Mohammad Noor, Batur Dostum Salam Rahimi, and Sayed Saadat Mansoor Naderi are part of the Afghan republic’s delegation. (…) .
SPIEGEL, 17.07., „Das Tal der Krieger – Im Osten des Landes lässt sich erleben, wie strategisch geschickt die Taliban sich ausbreiten – noch bevor ein Schuss fällt. Und sie gehen hier auch groteske Allianzen gegen Kräfte ein, die noch radikaler sind als sie selbst“, von Christoph Tal von Darah-i Nur im Norden der Ostprovinz Nangarhar (anschließend die Provinz Kunar mit dem besonders umkämpften und berüchtigten Korengal-Tal).
- Zur Methode der „stillen“ Machtübernahme: „Lange schon bevor der erste Schuss gefalle ist, beginnt das stetige Werk der Machtübernahme. Einzelne Sympathisanten werden gewonnen, werden aus den Städten zurückgeschickt in die Dörfe, erkunden dieLage, sammeln weitere Unterstützer. Dann kommen nächtliche Abordnungen, werden Steuern von Wohlhabenden erhoben, manchmal Streitfälle geschlichtet, werden Regierungsangestellten Drohbriefe mit Unterschrift und Stempel des Islamische Emirats vor die Tür gelegt. (…) Das Vakuum des Staates, der sich zumeist um wenig kümmert, wird leise gefüllt, ohne dass die Amtsträger e erst mal bemerken. Tagsüber mag ein Dorf, ein Bezirk, eine Verbindungsstraße noch zur Machtsphäre der Regierung gehören. Nachts schon nicht mehr. Dorf um Dorf wird so übernommen, während der Hauptort eines Bezirks wie eine Insel übrig bleibt: Das mit Mauern, Lehmwällen und Schuttcontainern gesicherte Hauptquartier von Armee, Polizei und Geheimdienst ist dann für Jahre die letzte Bastion des Staates.
Diese verbliebenen Einsprengsel der Regierungsmacht sind in diesem Sommer reihenweise gefallen. Manchmal wurden erobert, oft einfach aufgegeben von ihren Beatzungen. Das landesweit operierende Taliban-Komitee für „Einladung und Orientierungshilfe“ bot ihnen zuvor oft freien Abzug, Zivilkleidung und Handgeld – was verlässlich eingehalten wurde.
Die Provinzen im Norden, die nun an die Taliban fallen, sind auf die Machtübernahme über Jahre vorbereitet worden. Wie das feingliedrige und weitreichemde Geflecht unterirdischer Pilzwurzeln haben die Taliban über die Jahre diskret ihren Machtbereich vergrößert – und nun tritt es jäh zutage. Genährt worden ist dieses Geflecht von der Unzufriedenheit der Menschen, von der Angst, aber auch von ihrer Anfälligkeit für religiöse Einflüsterungen.
- Wie ab 2015 die IS „Provinz Khorasan“ entstand: erst auf sanfte Art, dann mit brachialer Gewalt, Köpfung von Stammesältesten und Bauern. Regierungstruppen, Taliban und US-Kräfte bekämpften den IS gemeinsam und auch erfolgreich. Das Zweckbündnis soll „die Stimmung in der Region verändert haben. Immer häufiger würden seither lokale Stillhalteabkommen geschlossen, für die Erntezeit, für ein Bauprojekt (…)“
- Zu Spannungen innerhalb der Taliban, zwischen Hardlinern und Kooperationswilligen, und der Gefahr, dass mit der Exilführung Unzufriedene zu radikaleren islamistischen Splttergruppen überlaufen könnten.
TN 16.07., Indischer Fotojournalist und Pulitzer-Preisträger bei Kämpfen in Spin Boldak/Kandahar getötet: Danish Siddiqui, a Reuters photojournalist, was killed during clashes in Spin Boldak district in Kandahar, sources confirmed on Friday.
The Indian journalist was covering the situation in Kandahar over the last few days.
Siddiqui was based in Mumbai. He had received the Pulitzer Prize as part of the Photography staff of Reuters. (…)
Sources confirmed that Seddiq Karzai, the deputy commander of the Joint Special Operations Command was also killed in the attack. He was accompanied by the Indian journalist.
AFGHANISTAN ANALYSTS NETWORK (AAN) 16.07., Menace, Negotiation, Attack: The Taleban take more District Centres across Afghanistan, Kate Clark • AAN Team
The Afghan government has continued to lose district centres to the Taleban. By our reckoning, the insurgents have gained control of almost 200 district centres since 1 May, most of them since mid-June. Added to the ones they already controlled, that puts the insurgents in charge of just over half of all Afghanistan’s district centres. In a detailed new map published today, the Taleban’s apparent strategy becomes clearer: an initial push in the north, where resistance to their rule in the late 1990s/early 2000s was strongest, a focus on border crossings and other lucrative locations, and an avoidance so far of provincial capitals and of eastern areas which border Pakistan. In this report, Kate Clark and the AAN team try to make sense of the patterns of districts falling or standing. (…)
Long War Journal 15.07., Fast die Hälfte der afghanischen Provinzhauptstädte von den Taliban bedroht. (Karte + Liste mit High / Moderate / Low Taliban Threat) With rapid gains in recent days, the Taliban now threatens 16 of Afghanistan’s 34 provincial capitals, while 18 of the provinces in their entirety are under direct threat of falling under Taliban control, according to an ongoing assessment by FDD’s Long War Journal.
Since the Taliban began its offensive after President Joe Biden announced the withdrawal of U.S forces on April 14, the Taliban has more than tripled the number of districts controlled by the group, from 73 to 221. Many of the districts lost to the Taliban are in the north and west, however the Taliban has continued to gain territory in the south and east. The Taliban offensive in the north is designed to undercut Afghan power brokers and warlords in their home districts and provinces.
The map, above, shows an Afghanistan that is at risk of complete collapse if the government and military do not get a handle on the security situation, and quickly. A written assessment of select provinces is listed below. The methodology of the assessment follows.
For information on districts controlled and contested by the Taliban, and time lapse maps of the Taliban’s offensive since 2017 and its gains since April 14, 2021, see LWJ report, Mapping Taliban Controlled and Contested districts in Afghanistan.
TOLOnews 15.07., Taliban Destroyed, Damaged Infrastructure in 116 Districts: IARCS.
Ahmad Nader Nadery, the chairman of the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission (IARCSC), on Thursday said that the IARCSC findings show that in the districts recently seized by the Taliban essential government services have been halted, and a large number of civil servants have been harmed, or displaced from their areas to provincial capitals.
According to Nadery, the Taliban either torched or destroyed 260 government buildings and assets in 116 districts. Nadery said that 13 million Afghans have been deprived of social services in the Taliban-controlled areas and 50,000 employees including women have been affected in Taliban territories.
“There are more than 13 million people living in areas and districts recently captured by the Taliban, who currently have no access to public services. In these areas, hundreds of development projects such as the reconstruction of water supply networks, roads, retaining walls, the construction of schools, bridges, hospitals, stadiums, cold storage facilities, drilling wells, etc., have been shut down. For instance, in the Taliban-controlled districts of Takhar province alone, 112 ongoing development projects have now been completely stopped,” said IARCSC chief Nader Nadery. The Taliban has denied the allegations.
Nadery said that the damage done by the Taliban on state institutions is estimated to be around $500 million. He said that 4,000 public services employees have evacuated their native areas because of the threats of the Taliban. (…)
ZEIT 15.07., „Das war eine Flucht“ – ´Nach dem hastigen Abzug des westens drängen in Afghanistan die Taliban vor. Mädchen gehen nicht mehr zu Schule, das Land versinkt in Angst und Chaos`, von Wolfgang Bauer: Reportage aus Kandahar im Süden:
- Der Direktor des Flughafens Kandahar, wo auf der US-Basis zeitweilig bis zu 50.000 US-Soldaten: „Sie sind einfach so gegangen. Sie haben uns nicht einmal informiert. Da war kein geordneter Übergang. Das war Flucht.“
- Der ehemalige Leiter des Regionalkrankenhauses, drei Abteilungsleiter von Regierungsbehörden wollen aus der Stadt fliehen.
- In der Stadt seit Beginn des US-Abzuges dramatische Zunahme an Mordanschlägen. „Heute 15 Menschen von Unbekannten erschossen“, manchmal von Taliban, oft von der Mafia.
Die Tradition des langjährigen, gnadenlosen Polizeichefs Abdul Rasik, der 2018 erschossen wurde. Sein Vorbild hat starken Einfluss in afghanischen Sicherheitskräften – es steht für rücksichtslose Gewalt, Unterdrückung von Opposition. Einzelne Fraktionen der Republik versuchen neue Allianzen, mit Russland, China, Weißrussland.
Zentrum der Frauenorganisation von Maryam Durani, der Gründerin vieler Fraueninitiativen, international vielfach geehrt. Jetzt komme keine Frauen mehr. Immer weniger Familien erlauben ihren Töchtern, zur Schule zu gehen. „Fast alle Frauen, die als Journalistinnen oder bei Hilfsorganisationen gearbeitet haben, haben in den letzten Monaten gekündigt. Nur selten verlassen sie ihre Häuser.“
TN 14.07., Taliban kontrollieren Spin Boldak Übergang in Kandahar.
Deutsche Welle 14.07., Taliban capture key Afghan border point — reports.
Taliban fighters claimed on Wednesday to have gained control of the strategic Afghan border crossing to Pakistan at Spin Boldak on the border with Pakistan. (…) A Pakistan security source confirmed to the AFP news agency that the insurgents had taken control of the crossing.
"The Taliban has taken control of the Afghan side of the Chaman-Spin Boldak border crossing," the Pakistani security source told AFP on condition of anonymity. "They have raised their flag and removed the Afghan flag."
The official said the crossing has "great importance in Afghan trade with
Pakistan and other countries."
The Afghan Defense Ministry, however, said it was checking developments. (…)
How important is the Chaman-Spin Boldak crossing?
The Chaman-Spin Boldak crossing links Pakistan with Afghanistan and Afghan government data shows about 900 trucks cross the frontier each day.
The Taliban have reported capturing a number of other crucial border crossings and territory in rural areas of Afghanistan in recent weeks.
The hardline Islamic militants now control Islam Qala and Turghundi in Herat province, ShirKhan Bandar in Kunduz and Abu Naser Farahi border port in Farah province, according to Shafiqullah Attai, the chairman of the Kabul-based Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment.
The Taliban is now profiting from the customs revenue gathered at the border points under their control. "We don't have exact figures on the volume of trade and transit conducted from these ports as they are now with the Taliban... income has started to go to the Taliban," Attai told news agency Reuters.“
TN 14.07., UN Agency Warns of Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has warned over a looming humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan due to ongoing violence in the country.
An estimated 270,000 Afghans have been newly displaced inside the country since January 2021 – primarily due to insecurity and violence – bringing the total uprooted population to over 3.5 million.
UNHCR reported that the families forced to flee their homes in recent weeks cite the worsening security situation as the predominant reason for their flight.
In addition to ongoing fighting, displaced civilians have told UNHCR and partners of incidents of extortion by non-state armed groups and the presence of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) on major roads.
Many have reported interruptions to social services and a loss of income due to rising insecurity.
The number of civilian casualties has risen 29 percent during the first quarter of this year compared to 2020, according to UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, UNHCR says. (…)
Iran and Pakistan host nearly 90 percent of displaced Afghans - more than two million registered Afghan refugees in total, according to the UNHCR. (…) UNHCR’s financial appeal for the Afghanistan situation (including operations for Afghan refugees in Pakistan and Iran) remains acutely underfunded, at only 43 percent of a total US$ 337 million required.
The assessment, called “Joint Humanitarian Appeal,” says that over 18 million people in Afghanistan are in need of humanitarian assistance due to conflicts, coronavirus and drought.
TN 13.07., Forces Led by Ex-Jihadi Positioned in Herat to Fight Taliban.
People's Resistance Front’ forces led by Mohammad Ismail Khan, an ex-Jihadi leader, have been deployed alongside security forces in some parts of Herat city to prevent the Taliban from entering the city.
Armed with light and heavy weapons, the forces warn the Taliban that they will be killed if they get closer to the city of Herat.
Mohammad Ismail Khan says the Resistance Front forces are coordinating their activities with security agencies. (…) Hassan Majrooh, who is a military analyst, said: “If the people's mobilization would have a regular and systematic organization and management, and perform activities based on regular leadership and orders--and would not be under any personal orders--it can be very effective in defending the country and the people.” (…)
Long War Journal 13.07., The Taliban and al Qaeda advance as U.S. completes withdrawal, By Thomas Joscelyn & Bill Roggio , Hosts Bill Roggio and Tom Joscelyn discuss President Biden’s latest defense of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Despite the jihadists’ significant advances since May 1, the president remains steadfastly committed to completing the American retreat. 50 Min. (
TN 13.07., ., Government Stops Budget to Development Projects. The government has stopped all procurement processes and the budget for development projects due to a reduction in its revenues and an increase in expenses of the security forces, the Ministry of Finance said.
The ministry said that based on the decision, the budget for "optional projects" has been stopped. Optional projects, the ministry said, are implemented by the government but are funded by donors. (…)
Sources have said that the government’s revenues have reduced as six customs offices have fallen to the Taliban in recent weeks. Analysts said the government needs to implement plans to return the development projects to normal.
Declaration of the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriations (MoRR) related to stop of forced return from Europe temporarily, Kabul
The escalation of violence by the terrorist group of Taliban in the country and the spread of the third wave of the COVID-19 have caused much economic and social unrest and created many challenges for the people.
Considering the security situation in the country, the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriations is concerned about the return of Afghan migrants and does not consider the current situation in the country condusive for the forced return of Afghan migrants until the security situation improves.
The leadership of the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriations has repeatedly expressed its strong reservations with host countries and international agencies in this regard.
Therefore, as a result of these efforts and after the consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the National Security Council, the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriations has stopped the forced return of Afghan migrants from the EU and other European countries for the next three months.
The Afghan government has officially informed the host countries to stop the deportation from 08 July 2021 onwards.
The Government of Afghanistan took this action in relation to the Joint Declaration between Afghanistan and the European Union on Cooperation in the Field of Migration (JDMC), the Joint Declaration with Germany on Cooperation in the Field of Migration, and the bilateral and trilateral Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with Sweden, Norway, Finland, and France as well as Denmark, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.
Additionally, the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriations considers forced return as inappropriate in light of the increasing number of internally displaced people and due to aforementioned deteriorating security situation which led to a new wave of migration abroad.
TN 12.07., Gen. McKenzie Takes Charge of Remaining US Forces in Afghanistan. McKenzie takes the responsibility as the US and NATO’s military presence in the country will end within the next two months. The new mission is "US Forces Afghanistan Forward" involving those troops who will remain in the country to protect diplomats after the US military drawdown ends next month. (…) Gen. McKenzie meanwhile pledged the US’s continued support for Afghan forces.
“While drawdown continues and will be ended by the end of August ... United States commitment to support the Afghan government and its armed forces carries on,” he said.
“Some gaps that have emerged after the withdrawal of foreign forces, these gaps are being filled and we are addressing the areas in need,” National Security Adviser Hamdullah Mohib said. (…)
On July 2 the US Defense Department’s press secretary John Kirby said that the new Kabul-based command will be led by Rear Adm. Peter Vasely, and those troops will help with security requirements at the Hamid Karzai International Airport there.
The force will also offer “continued advice and assistance to Afghan national defense and security forces” and support counterterrorism efforts, Kirby said.
Long War Journal 12.07., The Taliban and al Qaeda advance as U.S. completes withdrawal, The Taliban has made dramatic gains since President Joe Biden announced the U.S. would leave Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021. The time lapse map, which is dated from April 13 to today and was created by FDD’s Long War Journal, shows the jihadists’ swift advance since Biden made his announcement. (…)
Districts began falling under Taliban and al Qaeda control at a rapid pace as Afghan security forces surrendered and even abandoned multiple district centers, military bases, border crossings and other key facilities. The Taliban and its allies have taken control of 139 districts in the span of less than two months, nearly tripling the territory under its rule. Multiple provincial capitals are now under direct Taliban threat, and it has launched incursions in cities such as Ghazni, Kunduz, Kandahar, Lashkar Gah, Maidan Shahr, Mihtarlam, Taloqan, Sheberghan, and Qala-i-Naw. Afghan security forces, meanwhile, have largely been on the defensive and have only managed to regain control of a handful of districts.
The Taliban’s northern offensive is especially clever. It is designed to undercut the Afghan government’s traditional base of power. If the north is lost, the Afghan government loses its base of traditional support and is at risk of collapse.
The Taliban has not planned and executed this operation without help. Pakistan remains the Taliban’s primary backer and primary safe haven. Iran has helped the Taliban to a lesser extent. Al Qaeda, which was never defeated in Afghanistan, has also played a key role in the Taliban’s success.
Al Qaeda has fought alongside the Taliban both before and during the current offensive. But more importantly, it provided the Taliban with military and political advice (including strategy sessions on talks with the U.S.), and helped the Taliban integrate regional jihadist groups to fight under its banner. In the north, Al Qaeda helped the Taliban organize groups such as the now-defunct Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Jamaat Ansarullah, Kataib Imam Bukhari, and the Turkistan Islamic Party to fight in the Taliban’s ranks. (…)
TN 11.07.,Zwei Distrikte in der Provinz Ghor gefallen während Kämpfe in Außenbezirken von zehn Städten andauern. „The cities include Pul-e-Khumri in Baghlan, Taluqan in Takhar, Qala-e-Naw in Badghis, Sheberghan in Jawzjan, Maidan Shahr in Maidan Wardak, Ghazni city in Ghazni, Kandahar city in Kandahar and Lashkargah in Helmand province. (…)“
TN 11.07. Afghanischer Luftwaffenpilot in Kabul getötet. Der Pilot wurde Samstagabend von bewaffneten Unbekannten erschossen. Die Taliban bekannten sich zu der Tat.
TN 11.07., Talibanangriffe am frühen Sonntagmorgen auf Außenposten in vier Polizeidistrikten von Ghazni City von Sicherheitskräften zurückgeschlagen.
TN 10.07., Zwei Distrikte im Norden von den Sicherheitskräften zurückgewonnen: In der Provinz KunduzAli Abad (vielen Kunduz-Besichern der Jahre vor 2013 bekannt) und Yaftal in Badakhshan. Allerdings: Die Distrikte Sorkh Parsa und Sheikh Ali in Parwan, Shorabak district in Kandahar and Alishing in Laghman fielen in den letzten 24 Stunden an die Taliban.
SZ 09.07., „Die USA beenden ihren längsten Krieg – Washington zieht fast alles Truppen aus Afghanistan ab. Deutsche Ehrenamtliche sammeln Spenden für bedrohte Ortskräfte (…)“ von Tobia Matern, Hubert Wetzel,
FAZ 09.07., Afghanistans gefährdeter Nachbar – In Tadschikistan wächst die Sorge, dass die Taliban über die Grenze kommen“ von Othmara Glas,
SPIEGEL 09.07., „Taliban erobern Afghanistan zurück - »Bleiben wäre Selbstmord«
Die islamistischen Aufständischen überrennen Bezirk um Bezirk. Die Frage ist nicht mehr, ob, sondern wann die Regierung in Kabul aufgeben wird.“ Von Christoph Reuter,
TN 09.07., Ismail Khan Mobilizes Hundreds in Herat to Crush Taliban. Mohammad Ismail Khan, a former mujahideen leader and a senior member of Jamiat-e-Islami party, has mobilized hundreds of his loyalists in Herat province in the west of Afghanistan to fight the Taliban as the group continues to capture large swaths of territories across the country.
TN 09.07., Die Taliban bedrängen die afghanische Regierung durch Einnahme von Grenzorten. In addition to militarily taking control of key districts throughout the country, the Taliban is cutting off the key revenue sources to the Afghan government by taking control of important border crossings that serve as dry ports for good shipped overseas. The Taliban now controls three of Afghanistan’s eight dry ports, including two on the border with Iran.
In the past 24 hours, the Taliban took control of the Islam Qala and Turghundi border crossings, both which are in Herat province and border Iran. The Taliban seized the Shirkhan Bander crossing in Kunduz province which borders Uzbekistan two weeks ago, and has maintained control of the crossing.
Afghan forces protecting all three dry ports put up little resistance. In all three instances, the Afghan security forces and customs officials abandoned their posts and fled across the border.
There are eight dry ports in Afghanistan, two of which are inland and located in Kabul City and Mazar-i-Sharif (Hairatan Dry Port). The other three dry ports, Torkham in Nangarhar, Aqeena in Faryab, and Spin Boldak in Kandahar are currently under government control. However, heavy fighting has been reported in Spin Boldak district and the Taliban is slowly advancing on the Spin Boldak crossing.
The dry ports are major sources of revenue for an impoverished Afghan nation. The Islam Qala Dry Port generates an estimated $20 million a month, according to TOLONews.
Today, Taliban currently controls 204 districts and contests another 124 districts, according to the real time assessment by FDD’s Long War Journal.
TN 09.07., Two Border Towns in Western Afghanistan Fall to Taliban. The Islam Qala border town, one of the main trade gateways into Iran, and the Torghundi border town, one of the two trade gateways into Turkmenistan, both in Herat province in western Afghanistan, have fallen to Taliban, local officials confirmed on Friday.
Activities at Islam Qala customs were stopped after it was fallen to the Taliban, said Nisar Ahmad Naseri, the acting head of Herat customs department.
Videos on social media show Taliban fighters chatting with Iranian border forces in the bordering areas between Afghanistan and Iran. (…)
Sources from the province said that all officials of Islam Qala customs and a big number of security forces stationed there have crossed the border to Iran following Taliban’s arrival at the area.
TN 09.07., Afghanistan Could Be on Path to Civil War: UK Military Chief. The UK military chief has warned there is the possibility that Afghanistan could be on a path to civil war as US and coalition forces leave the country.
Quoted by Reuters, Britain’s Chief of the Defense Staff, Nick Carter, said it was “plausible” that the country’s state would collapse without international forces there.
Afghanistan could see a situation like the country's 1990s civil war “where you would see a culture of warlordism and you might see some of the important institutions like security forces fracturing along ethnic, or for that matter, tribal lines,” Carter said as quoted by Reuters.
TN 08.07., US Withdrawal From Afghanistan Nearly Complete: CENTCOM.
The US has completed “more than 90 percent” of its withdrawal from Afghanistan, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed in a statement on Tuesday.
This follows the US and coalition forces pullout from Bagram Airfield, which for nearly 20 years was the largest US base in Afghanistan.
“As of July 5, Department of Defense has retrograded the equivalent of approximately 984 C-17 aircraft- loads of material out of Afghanistan and has turned over nearly 17,074 pieces of equipment to the Defense Logistics Agency for disposition," the release stated.
CENTCOM did not say how many US troops remain in Afghanistan. Between 2,500 and 3,500 were in the country when President Joe Biden announced in April that all US forces would withdraw by Sept. 11, according to reports. (…) There are still contractors in Afghanistan providing support to their security forces and air force, he said. "We are actively working [on ways] in which that contract support can be done remotely or virtually or even physically outside the country."
About 650 troops are expected to remain to protect the US Embassy in Kabul, while others may be deployed to protect the capital’s airport alongside Turkish troops, according to reports.
TN 08.07., 1,500 Public Force Members in Place to Defend Balkh - Balkh governor Mohammad Farhad Azimi said on Thursday that of the 5,000 fighters that were pledged by political leaders and other influential figures in Balkh as part of the public uprising forces, 1,500 have already been deployed in fighting positions to face the Taliban alongside security forces. (…)
According to Azimi, the National Directorate of Security (NDS) has prepared the list of those who are expected to fight alongside the Afghan National Security and Defense Force (ANDSF).
The government will equip members of the public uprising force with weapons, and they will get paid 10,000 Afs a month.
“5,000 fighters were mobilized, from which were deployed along with security forces. The rest are waiting for equipment and weapons. They will also contribute to pushing back the enemy’s activities in close coordination with the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,” said Azimi.
Meanwhile, the head of the Balkh provincial council said that in the past some elements misused the public uprising forces, and said that the same problem will be repeated if the public uprising forces are not led in the right way.
“One of the key reasons that led to the collapse of the district was that some people pledged to mobilize 100 fighters, but later on 20 of them were used in the right way, the remaining 80 were misused or they weren’t present at the job,” said Afzal Hadid, the head of Balkh provincial council. (…)
TN 08.07., „Heavy Fighting Around Ghazni City Reported: Sources.
Local security sources in Ghazni province said that the Afghan National Security and Defense Forces (ANDSF) were engaged in a heavy firefight with Taliban insurgents after the group launched an attack last night on the Shahrak-e-Muhajirin area of the provincial capital Ghazni city. According to the sources, the Taliban managed to infiltrate the area and raise their flag. However, the security forces later began pushing back the Taliban fighters from the area.
Meanwhile, in northern Afghanistan, a number of experts have raised deep concerns over the fragile security situation.
Referring to the recent evacuation of security forces from the districts, Abdul Latif Pedram, the head of the Afghanistan National Congress party, said that the withdrawal of security forces from some districts in the northern part of the country is linked to political and economic rivalries.
“There are a large number of forces in the districts and in the provinces, but there is no morale and motivation,” said a civil society activist in Takhar, Zaman Khan. (..) In the past two months, the security forces have evacuated 196 districts.
Long War Journal 07.07., „Taliban assaults northern provincial capital, by Bill Roggio | The Taliban entered Qala-i-Naw, the provincial capital of Badghis, stormed the city’s prison and freed inmates, and briefly seized control of the governor’s office and the police and National Directorate of Security headquarters. Today’s assault on Qala-i-Naw is the latest in the Taliban’s northern offensive designed to undercut the Afghan government’s traditional base of power.
Badghis province is one of several northern provinces that are on the cusp of completely falling under the Taliban’s control. The Taliban Now controls six of the Badghis’ seven districts after Qadis fell to the Taliban on July 6. The outlook is equally dire in nearby Badakhshan, where the Taliban controls 26 of 28 districts, Takhar (Taliban controls 14 of 17 districts), and Kunduz (Taliban controls 3 of 7 districts, but the remaining 4 are hotly contested and frequently exchange hands). The Taliban directly threatens all four provincial capitals and has launched incursions into each of them.
The fighting inside Qala-i-Naw is fluid, however it appears that the Taliban has since been driven to the outskirts of the city. Afghan Special Forces led by Governor Shamsudin beat back the Taliban from “the governor’s office and house,” while fighting inside the city is ongoing. according to Bilal Sarwary.
The Taliban massed outside of the city and then attacked it “from 3 direction,” according to Sarwary. There was “a mass surrender of senior police leadership,” which included “the deputy police chief for Badghis, the head of security of the police HQ, [and the] police chief for PD1 [Police District 1].” The governor of Ab Kamari district, a militia commander, and “at least 100 members of ANDSF” also surrendered. (…)“ .
FAZ 07.07., „In Afghanistan rette sich, wer kann“ von Christian Meier. „Die Taliban erobern immer weitere Teile Afghanistans. Soldaten flüchten oder kapitulieren. Die Regierung in Kabul kündigt große Gegenoffensiven an – gibt aber ein Bild der Verzweiflung ab. (…)“,